

Variety is the splicing of life and love.

Friday, August 25, 2006


I know this is a shitty thing to do ... reacclimating myself to this blog with a viral video. HOWEVER, if you take the time to view the video, you will be astonished. This is, by far, one of the coolest music video ever created (next to (and a little bit in front of) Fatboy Slim's with Christopher Walken, the Weezer's Buddy Holly, every Peter Gabriel video (especially Steam and Sledgehammer ), Genesis' Land of Confusion, and Radiohead's video for Just).

What are your favorites?

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Mel Gibson and Disney, The Perfect Pair

The Flack author, Peter Himler, posted an entry today about Disney announcing its plans to move forward with distribution and marketing of Mel Gibson's movie, Apocalypto.

It was a small item in the Arts, Briefly section of yesterday's New York Times. But we certainly have not heard the last of it. The headline of the item culled from a Reuters report: "Disney Stands By Gibson Film"

What occurred to me is the joint venture doesn't appear as odd as some may think ... Mel Gibson is, as Rob Schneider and I have concluded, a rabid anti-semite with a drinking problem (not vice-versa).

The not-so-ironic thing about 'kid-friendly' Disney and 'Vatican I-friendly' Gibson is their apparent (or alleged, if you're a sissy) agreement on Jews, Judaism, Christ and Nazis.

It's impossible to say whether or not it is widely accepted that Walt Disney was an anti-semite. It's also impossible to say his body is cryogenically frozen and that he had bad gas (like Larry King). One thing is certain, Mel's father is a holocaust denier. Life father like son.

Mel Gibson has been getting his fair share, especially on Huffington Post where everyone from Alec Baldwin to Dave Fratello has bashed him. Personally, I also agree with Dave Fratello (bio) who said:

The fact is, if Mel tries the contrition route, he'll have a hard time convincing anyone. Real progress would be a donation to the Simon Wiesenthal Center. Still, $10,000 or even $100,000 isn't going to be convincing.

Mel made $400 million with his blame-the-Jews "Passion of the Christ." The film was a surprise big hit in the Arab world, at least in countries that permitted it to be shown. Yasser Arafat praised it.

If the anti-semitic themes were worth just half the box office, Mel's contribution to the Wiesenthal Center should be $200 million.

Of course, if Mel is who he really is, and he's ready to admit it, Hezbollah could use the money right now, too.
I too hope, as Mr. Fratello playfully wishes, that Mel Gibson will turn into and OJ-like pariah. Praise Jesus.

Marty Kaplan, also on HuffingtonPost, said of anti-semitism:

Like homophobia, racism, sexism and loving Ann Coulter, it's really a cultural disorder.

To be sure, a lifetime of saying that Jews are the cause of all the world's wars, or that George Soros is the Anti-Christ, can create synaptic pathways in the brain; what gets fired, gets wired. But just as cognitive therapy, meditation or splurging at Fred Segal can actually change neuronal pathways, surely there must be a comparable recovery program for Jew-hating.

I'm not sure that the answer is doing good works. Mel's been working on a Holocaust documentary for Disney for a couple of years now, and steeping himself in history's worst nightmare hasn't seemed to help him figure out the difference between villains and victims. It probably doesn't help that Hollywood's pet name for Disney is "Mauschwitz."
So. Mel Gibson and Walt Disney were both anti-semites, and I'm glad the two can, not only agree on something, but go to hell in a handbasket together with a movie that will get worse reviews than DaVinci Code, although the Vatican will try and get positive reviews placed this time.

Now getting back to The Flack, I don't think, as Mr. Himler believes (as does the people whom Fox News polled) that people will let Mel off the hook so easily. I disagree. One, back to the poll, if there is any clearer proof that Fox News viewers are almost exclusively conservative anti-semites with the education and intelligence of West Virginian hermits, please show it to me.

Here are some great bits from the poll:

6 percent of Americans say they "definitely" will not go to see Gibson’s movies in the future and another 10 percent say they "probably" won’t go, while eight out of 10 people say his arrest and negative comments about Jewish people will not make a difference to them.

Half of Americans say the worst part of the whole episode was that Gibson was driving while drunk, 16 percent say it was that he made anti-Semitic comments and 3 percent that he was belligerent with the police officers who stopped him. One in five people (22 percent) say all aspects of the incident were equally bad.

Overall, many more people view Gibson favorably (48 percent) than unfavorably (28 percent). For comparison, that puts him ahead of President Bush (39 percent favorable, 56 percent unfavorable) and behind British Prime Minister Tony Blair (56 percent favorable, 17 percent unfavorable).
This incident will negatively affect Gibson's career. I hope that it affects it to the point of irreperable schadenfreude.

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Posts that contain "mel Gibson" And "anti-semite" per day for the last 30 days.
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I Hate Matt Drudge

There are a lot of reasons why Matt Drudge's ego has exploded over the last 7 years ... Why The Observer decided to feed it is beyond me.

On Sunday, The Observer listed what it considers to be the 15 most influential websites in the world ... ironically, this list does not include any foreign language site. Considering the amount of sites in languages like Chinese, Japanese, Russian, etc., this list is a bit short sighted. On the other hand, coming from a British paper, 13 of those 15 were founded in the United States (the other two were from the UK; Easyjet.com and FriendsReunited.com).

Naturally, I found this story on DrudgeReport.com.

Another story I found today via Matt Drudge (insert gag reflex) was this one about a woman who ran over two women at McDonalds after they moved into a newly opened line ahead of her ... That appears to be some of the story, but my guess is that those two women got the last two McGriddles.

According to the report, the unidentified woman started yelling at them and threatened to kill them.

The woman then left the restaurant before the Thomases and stayed in the parking lot, sitting in her dark blue Jeep Cherokee, witnesses told police. As the Thomases made their way to their car, witnesses said the woman pulled out of her parking space and sped toward the women, striking them both with the passenger side of the Jeep.


Monday, August 14, 2006


I have tried to use many different RSS Readers, Aggregators, Desktop Applications, etc. I found Netvibes a while ago and, after setting up a couple pages with numerous feeds, I've been to the site on a daily basis for several months.

According to TechCrunch, Netvibes recently secured another round of financing to the tune of $15 million. Here's the story.

One thing I found recently was that Netvibes allows you to publish your page to the Netvibes ecosystem. My Netvibes page is called, "My Daily Me," (please don't steal that), referring the the 'phenomenon' of the Daily Me. Being allowed to publish my tabs has been very valuable as now I'm able to pass along my newspaper to colleagues who either aren't techy enough to do it themselves, or aren't aware certain pages, blogs, wikis, etc. exist. One of my Netvibes tabs is available on the left hand margin of this page ... take a look for yourself. Many influential PR, Marketing, Tech blogs, et al.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Catching Up

Since I last posted, many things have happened both in life and media. I went to Atlantic City and didn't lose my shirt; Mel Gibson went to a bar and lost his mind and muzzle. This is a good thing.

Many people are calling the two biggest, and most current scandals, PR Crises. "Both Mel Gibson and Floyd Landis have a lot of work to do to repair their image," is a terribly bogus argument. Neither have a chance of escaping these fiascos, ever, with their reputations thoroughly in tact.

Mel Gibson is an anti-semite. Plain and simple. Whether he gets Patrick Swayze, Patrick McEnroe or Patrick Stewart to speak effusively on his behalf is patronizing and irrelevant. The things that come out of someone's mouth when they are drunk will be some of the most truthful things (according to what they believe) they will ever say.

I agree with David Parmet, a PR Pro who blogs at Parmet.net/PR. Any time a 'celebrity' screws up and tries to save face, it isn't a PR crisis.

When a radical 'actor' slips and lets his freak flag fly, people will notice, remember and judge. By launching a campaign to show the soft and sensitive side of a monster won't change many opinions. After all, it doesn't appear that he can even stray from his father's opinions.

As for Mr. Landis, I'm usually all for presuming innocence until stark guilt is displayed. With OJ, I would bet he committed the murders but wouldn't have found him guilty due to the handling of the case and the evidence at hand (and the PR war that was waged by his defense team). However, it doesn't appear possible Landis is innocent of doping and I think he should just disappear into the truth and join Buckner, Ben Johnson and Pete Rose in pro-sports ignominy.