

Variety is the splicing of life and love.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I've been really busy lately so I haven't had much time to post things... here's some things to read or watch until I get my act together.

If anyone actually thought Clerks 2 would be a good movie. Here's Kevin Smith telling you why you're wrong.

Friday, July 14, 2006

My Whole World Is Crashing In On Me

Maybe not, but when my idol, Pete Coors, gets arrested for driving drunk, is there any reason to continue living?

First, I'm shocked I didn't hear this in the news. Kudos to Coors' PR team for somehow not making the face of their company the national hypocrite of the month (unless he appeared on Keith Olberman's 'Worst Person In The World' and I happened to miss it).

The best part of this article is the use of the term "Beer Baron." mmmmm beeeer.

I wonder who arrested him? The worst thing about this case is that his BAC wasn't very high at all and he probably felt "OK" to drive. Not that I'm saying it's ok or nothin'...

Maybe Pete Coors should have a blog ...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

One Small Step

The NY Times is coming out with their own version of a Netvibes-like RSS Aggregator/Personal Newspaper. The phenomenon is referred to, I think, as The Daily Me. Personally, I use Netvibes daily and love it. It is the easiest to set up, allows a Mozilla-like tab interface, and aggregates from a lot of different sources. Plus, it also allows you to publish your tab so the world can see your newspaper.

The NY Times version appears to be stricken by the same old corporate hang-ups of being afraid to give up control, etc. The NY Times is only allowing RSSs feeds from certain sources. This is a stupid and short-sighted move. It will result in far less users than is possible and therefore traffic and ad revenue.

Slate wrote a great article about this
, as well as Gawker.

Two years ago tomorrow, I wrote this post. Again I'll apologize to Kirsten Dunst for it, but stand by it like Trent Lott and that thing in the old days ... wink wink. The post has some things I'd like to change now, but can't because of ethics and time.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Google Moves To Detroit?

With the current state of American automakers, having a technology company move to Motor City is like Apple and iTunes. I think this is a great PR and moral move for the company.

Google is expected to open the center in downtown Ann Arbor, the hometown of the University of Michigan, where Larry Page, one of Google’s founders, earned his undergraduate degree in engineering.

Other great links of the day:

(Biggest News: MySpace hit #1 US destination last week, Hitwise)

Firefox surges to 16% US Marketshare


NY Theater and Viral Marketing

Monday, July 10, 2006

I have to admit, the second someone in my office said, "A building exploded on 62nd," I did think, 'terror attack?' But that was for, oh I don't know, the 10 seconds until I saw the fire on the TV and the incredibly narrow slot which the building used to occupy. Yet Fox news has the gaul to go to air with terror talk.

It's True

Ann Coulter didn't have time to spew hateful rhetoric she can't even believe. Adam Carolla, who just endeared himself to millions of liberals, progressives and people with warm-blood.


So. What's the funniest Ann Coulter joke you can think of?

Thursday, July 06, 2006

This is viral video

Israel, the holy land...


Good, But Not Great

Here's a great PR/ Advertising/ Marketing campaign that's pretty good, from Fresh Step. The campaign appears to be called Lost Litter Box with a sleazy eastern european mascot , Milos the Cat. ... Blatantly rips off Ali G and Borat, but at least it's out there... the only thing is, why the f didn't they make the commercial able to be embedded on blogs?

Big time oversi(gh)te.

If you care, or can navigate to the video, here it is:

I agree with Al.

PR Agencies Penetrate

PR on YouTube

What Liberal Media?

Why isn't anyone talking about this story?